Students aim to make mini-masterpieces in 72 hours
Published: Sunday, December 5, 2010
Updated: Sunday, December 5, 2010 21:12
OSU students Andrew Mikac and Alexander Kinsel collaborated to bring their idea of writing a novella to fruition. The 72 Hour Novella projects asks students to take three days and write a short piece of fiction.
Beginning at 12:01 a.m. next Monday and ending at 11:59 p.m. the following Wednesday, OSU students can contribute to the project by writing a minimum of 8,000 words in 72 hours to create their own personal novella, which will be displayed on the event's blog, according to the 72 Hour Novella Facebook page.
Mikac, a fourth-year in economics and English said that he and Kinsel read about similar projects online and wanted to bring the idea to OSU.
Rules for the novella are listed on the "72 Hour Novel(la)" Facebook group page.
Participants are also asked to use at least two names from a list of stock names provided as characters in their stories.
"The stock character names allow for a ‘thread' that will — hopefully — weave the stories together," said Kinsel, a fourth-year in English. "Turner Hotchkins could be fighting zombies in one story, andthen seducing his brother's fiancée in the next."
So far, about 30 people have signed up to participate, and Mikac anticipates actual participation to be anywhere from five to 50 people.
"The idea (of the novella is) that it's a fun experiment," he said. "It's not meant to be intimidating."
Mikac and Kinsel are also creating a panel that will distribute awards for submissions. The panel will include both Mikac, Kinsel and professors.
Students interested in participating are asked to confirm participation by Friday.
"Basically, 72 Hour Novella is a selfish event for me," Kinsel said. "I'm looking forward to the change to devote three days to writing. No excuses, just words."